Tiara Lestari's For Women Only

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Playboy in Indonesia?

I appeared on the cover of Playboy, Spain last August. I think everyone and mothers know about that if you live in Indonesia. Lets just get that fact out in the open. Now, I have this blog for a reason and one of them is to be a medium for my voice for matters that concern me most. This is one of those moments.

I have been asked by a large number of Indonesian media about two things:
1. How do you feel about Playboy being published in Indonesia?
2. How do you feel about potentially appearing as the first cover of Playboy Indonesia?

I respect Playboy as an internationally known publication. Everyone from legendary Marilyn Monroe to Pamela Anderson to Madonna to Cindy Crawford have benefited from their professional relationship with the magazine. I have made a personal decision as a model to also follow that route last year. This decision certainly wasn't popular in my own country. Heck, it was a huge disappointment for my parents too. I regret that part of it. For that, I am sorry.

For my parents who I love very much, and for them alone, I have made another personal decision to not pursue that line of work anymore. Being on the cover of Playboy can be considered peak of any model's career. As they say, "Been there done that."

However, I was aware of one thing; I appeared in a country that does not consider Playboy and nudity as taboo. My appearance was never intended for consumption of Indonesia. How many Indonesians do you know read Playboy Spain? My pictures circulating on the internet happened without my being consulted. I do not have rights to those pictures. Not offending my countrymen was one of the criteria of my decision making process in appearing in Playboy Spain.

So now we are going to have Playboy Indonesia. It's hard to imagine a magazine with a very specific and uncompromising character published in a country where the same character is considered taboo. Why I ask? I am just a model, but when people ask my personal opinion about Playboy Indonesia, that would be my short answer. I mean really, what kind of content adjustment do they need to make so Playboy can be accepted by Indonesians? That is like asking TIME magazine to only do gossip or Hollywood celebrities news. Not gonna happen.

If you were to put gado-gado in McDonald, they would probably call it Mac-Gado-gado. Whatever content adjustment that is planned for Playboy Indonesia, it is still Playboy magazine. Period.

Should Indonesian Government stop Playboy from appearing? No. Especially if Playboy Indonesia already have legal documents to publish the mag. Should Indonesians who are unhappy with having Playboy in Indonesia voice their opinions? Absolutely. I am proud the fact that Indonesia, in many cases, can be considered more democratic that even the US. Heck, we angry using our voice instead of our fists. You don't like Playboy in Indonesia, speak with your wallet. Don't buy it.

So, should Playboy be in Indonesia? In my personal opinion, I do not believe they should until TIME magazine started to write about Hollywood celebrities only :)

How do I feel about potentially being on the first cover of Playboy Indonesia? Just like my pictures circulating on the Internet...not much I can do about it. I do not have rights of my old pictures, so they can request those pictures without my approval. If Playboy Indonesia ask me to be on the first cover, I will humbly decline such request.

There ya go...my personal opinion.


PS: Teman-teman press Indonesia, untuk tambahan, bisa dilihat disini. Posted by Picasa


  • Ah...Playboy Indonesia...terlalu banyak diskusi ttg majalah ini...atau mungkin promosi gratis? Sebetulnya why not lah...toh saat inipun sudah ada Popular (misalnya) kok gak ada yg protes...ya toh? Anyway... saya tidak mendukung tapi juga tidak memprotes ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:15 PM  

  • Hi Tiara,

    Hanya mengomentari tulisan anda mengenai ttg Playboy Indonesia (bukan keputusan anda utk tidak menerima bila diminta berfoto disitu, yang ini adalah keputusan anda sendiri, and I respect that)

    Menurut publisher Playboy Indonesia, ada guidelines tersendiri dari Playboy International utk edisi yang khusus terbit di negara berpenduduk mayoritas muslim.
    So, gambar2 di situ tidak lebih dari yang majalah2 lain yang sudah ada di Indonesia, FHM, Popular, Maxim, Matra, ME dll..

    Tiara, satu pertanyaan yang oot..
    Anda sudah sukses di luar Indonesia, why coming back? Maksud ku, knowing that di Indo adalah masyarakat yang berstandar ganda, apa yang di khotbah kan ataupun di omongkan di muka umum (baik tv, ataupun media lain) sangat bertolak belakang dengan kelakuan si pembicara?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:07 AM  

  • tiara,

    I was wondering, apa rencana penerbitan playboy di indonesia trouble you in any ways? maksudnya, when you posed for Playboy Spain, it is clear that the controversy will never arised. But if your pic appeared on the cover of Playboy Indo, would it be like putting you in the center of all controversy? you know how things work in Indonesia.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:40 AM  

  • Eee, benernya gak mau komentar macem-macem sih. Cuman rada malu, aku laki-laki, tapi masih nekad masuk weblog kamu yang katanya tertutup untuk laki-laki. Tapi niatku cuman bilang, kamu hebat. Itu aja.

    By Blogger jagung manis, at 2:11 PM  

  • toh, memang pada akhirnya playboy bisa tetap terbit. sama seperti ayu di atas, aku tidak mendukung ataupun juga menentang. abstain saja....

    niwei... nice to meet you, virtually :)
    sukses ya... dan ada satu pujian untukmu... you are beautiful! truly...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:01 PM  

  • cool babe!!
    nice to meet u virtually ya...
    mind if i link u to my blog?

    By Blogger Sealed with a Kiss, Fad, at 12:40 PM  

  • You should meet Jakobien!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:29 PM  

  • Found your site through a Dutch weblog No Style.

    You are absolutely right to say, that nobody is forcing any Indonesian to buy Playboy.
    And it surely is a high point to appear in Playboy if you are a model, it is highly flattering also. I do not expect to be asked by Playboy to appear on their cover, not even Playgirl will ask me.

    I do wonder if Playboy Indonesia knows what it is doing. And off course there will be Indonesians who think of the whole Islamic prudity towards nudity, the same way many Westerners think about nudity. And they probably think they can do the same thing for Indonesia that Playboy did for the States.

    But what I am wondering about, is when did you think that Playboy would use different pictures for her first magazine in Indonesia, when they had yours? They probably put in your contract, that they could decide how, when and where to use the pictures.

    And what is the difference between working in Spain for Playboy and working in your own country for Playboy?

    By Blogger Desomderdelen, at 6:40 AM  

  • hai Tiara, tadi sore say melihat siaran tentang kamu di METRO TV, terus terang saya kagum dengan kecantikan dan kebersahajaan kamu, you are women abis dech.. boleh donk say minta foto-foto untuk dikirm ke emailku di rahtung@yahoo.com..semoga kamu sukses selalu, saya mendukung sekali kegiatan dan profesi kamu di dunia modeling.. semoga para model kita juga gi internasional seperti kamu.. sukses.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:52 PM  

  • gue baru aja onani sambil ngeliat koleksi gambar tiara yang ada di tamansex.com :)

    tiara emang kelihatannya sedap. cuma 3 kata buat tiara, "gue menginginkan lo."

    makasih ya tiara dan juga admin web itu.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:01 AM  

  • hai tiara aku suka banget pada payudaramu meskipun agak hitam bolehkan aku mengentot payudaramu?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:29 AM  

  • sekilas melihat blog mu,pikiranku menerawang jauh pada sebuah kisah seorang gadis bernama larasati.dalam kisah itu ia diberi Tuhan keindahan yg sedemikian rupanya sehingga banyak laki-laki yg lunglai dibuatnya.

    tapi aku gak adil jika menyamakan kau dgn larasati.karena kau tentunya punya misi dalam hidup ini.

    walau larasati hidup hanya dalam sebuah cerita, tapi aku menangkap ada sebuah keputusannya yang ia ambil untuk berperan seperti itu.hebatnya ia lakukan bukanlah untuk ia semata-mata.

    larasati melakukan itu untuk sebuah impian negeri yg telah lama muram karena dihisap. ia lakukan itu bukan demi segenggam emas atau pun dolar.

    ia hadapkan hidupnya di depan meriam-meriam yg tak memiliki nurani.ia jatuhkan dirinya ditempat yg tak mengenal arti manusia.padahal ia seorang bintang yg hidup pada zamannya.termasyur di setiap pelosok.

    saya tidak tau..., apakah dirimu akan atau sudah seperti larasati? cuma dirimulah yang tahu.karena: "setiap keputusan, akan melahirkan sebuah keputusan juga".

    ada baiknya baca buku "LARASATI"Karya PRAMUDYA ANANTA TOER.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:38 PM  

  • a cheap muslim slut who poses naked in magazines

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:05 AM  

  • Saya Kasihan sama kamu, tak satu pun yg mengingatkan kamu, semua bertepuk tangan, applause buat kamu, tapi ketika umur mu makin bertambah, kulit mu mulai keriput, dan.. uban mu tumbuh satu satu..

    Kemudian tubuh mu mulai membungkuk... penyesalan itu pun menjadi terlambat

    Berbenahlah Tiara, sebelum kamu menyesali nya.

    By Blogger Hamba ALLAH, at 3:01 PM  

  • Teruslan maju Tiara, jangan kau terlalu banyak melamun. langkahmu masih panjang

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:27 PM  

  • Gadis Medan Citra Model Award memberi semangat kepada Gadis Gadis Medan yang ingin menjadi model seperti Tiara

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:02 PM  

  • Waah .. itulah orang2 yang tujuan hidupnya hanya uang. bagi saya uang adalah sarana hidup, bukan tujuan hidup. Mungkin Anda dapat mencibir pendapat saya, tapi lihat didepan hidung kita, yang jendral bintang empat saja kalau sudah tua cuma tela-telo di kursi roda .. apa sih yang dia banggakan dengan hidupnya itu?
    Bikin majalah nggak usah pakai nama Palyboy, lainnya kan bisa, berapa fee yang harus diberikan ke mereka hanya karena pinjam nama. Anda makan dari bumi Indonesia, kencing dan berak di Indonesia, tetapi otaknya bukan Indonesia. Semoga Tuhan memberkati Anda, ... so.. pasti .. maling koruptor saja diberi rejeki.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:17 AM  

  • Apapun alasannya, baik itu tuntutan profesi model kek atau seni kek, tetep aja yang dipamerin itu memek. gue paling suka liat kontes model di Indonesia, rata2 mereka udah pada berani, rata2 payudaranya diobral, dengan dalih tuntutan model yang lagi trend.dan buntutnya gue bisa merasakan enaknya memek model indonesia walau gue harus merogoh kocek lebih dalam karena mahal...
    Jualan memek juga akhirnya...
    Salut gue ame model yang pada berani, karena itu tantangan buat gue agar bisa menikmati memeknya

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:32 PM  

  • Kalo laki2 merasa terganggu karena bagian tubuh wanita, yang salah bukan tubuh wanitanya. Karena Tuhan menciptakannya demikian! Tapi lakinya yang pikiranya melantur. Mulut(!) wanita yang indah bisa luarbiasa merangsang kalo pikirannya kesono!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:24 PM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:12 PM  

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