Eat MORE to lose fat (Believe me)

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Girls, lets get this one out of the way. The worst thing you can do if you are trying to lose fat is NOT EATING. Starving yourself will do more harm than good in the long run. You actually need to eat more if you are trying to lose fat. Believe me when I say this is not a gimmick. It works for me! Try this after Ramadan is over, and I do mean try it with conviction for a month. If you do it right.. you will not be hungry and you will lose fat! In three months your old clothes won't fit.
Here's the logic behind this fact (not a theory): You see girls.. our body has been created with such efficiency that would put any fortune 500 companies to shame. It is so efficient that the body only burns energy it NEEDS to burn. Energy equals the food we take. So if more energy is being fed into our bodies (i.e. you eat more food than you need), the rest of the energy fed into our body will be stored as FAT. If, on the other hand you only eat what your body need at that time, the body will burn the energy and there won't be extra energy for fat storage area.
So how do we make sure we eat just enough food for our body. Well, stop eating three times a day. Start eating six times a day! Because by eating smaller portion six times a day, instead the three big meals a day, you will give your body only enough energy to burn and not store extra energy as fat. That is the simple reason.
From the point you wake up, your body burn energy all day long. Heck, you burn energy when you are sitting down in your office. Let alone when you actually doing things useful like running and working out :)
I'll make the formula simple and this is not my idea. I kind of stole it from a real expert named Bill Phillips (click here for his site). First, you must eat a balance meal, which essentially half carbohydrate and half protein. Now, make a fist with your hand. You see the size of your fist? Use that as the guide of how much you eat in a single meal. You have to eat one "fist size" of protein and one "fist size" of carb for a single meal. Try to make your meal as "dry" and don't use too much sauce of any kind (no kecap ibu-ibu:). If you can, do not use much oil at all except olive oil. Do this six times a day.
Now the beauty of this meal plan is that you need to have a "cheat day". This is a day when you can eat anything you want only for one day a week. Make sure you do this. Your brain needs it. If you don't do a cheat day, at some point you will start eating bad stuff again and the next thing you know... there goes the diet plan. But once a week.. you chow down! Six days a week, keep it strict, don't miss a meal and please... please no oily food. One teaspoon of oil has 14 grams of fat girls. It is the evil of any diet plan.
One more thing.. drink a lot of water. And I do mean a lot, up to 8 glasses a day. The first week, you may find yourself going to the bathroom a lot. It is ok.
Should you work out with this diet? Yes. It will greatly help if you workout, at least three times a week. However, you will still see result even if you don't work out (as long as you are strictly eating the way I said).
So, make a plan to change yourself for the better. Commit. Stay committed. Have a cheat day once a week. And wear that tight dress you always wanted to wear and surprise your husband or boyfriend!
Good luck.
Is that what you do to have that shape of your body? What kind of work out do u do? Thanks..
PS: did u get my Yahoo offline message? ;)
Anonymous, at 2:24 AM
Will this also work for gaining weight? I'm underweight by 10-15 pounds :(
a0z0ra, at 2:30 AM
i also find going to the gym with a gym partner helps you "committ" to gym nights and regular exercise.
missyasmina, at 3:26 PM
Hi Girls!
I am writing a posting on my workout soon Lucia. Come back soon for that ok?
Miss Tucson.. yes you can definitely use this way of eating to gain weight. The simple math is when energy feed into your body is more than the energy spent (like working out), you will gain weight. So, az.. do you like ice cream? Do me a favor.. do this diet.. and make sure you eat ice cream or something with empty calories with each meal. Anthing you like. The best thing to do for you is to watch your weight as you do this.. once you reach the level you want, slowly reduce the amount of empty calories for your body until you can maintain that level of weight. oH ya.. if you work out.. don't do any cardio, ok girl?
You are right Yasmina.. keeping committement without a partner is tougher. A personal trainer will also help!
TiaraLestari, at 6:20 PM
i've done this method, tiara... it works for a while but you need to watch it closely. I'd like to have fun too, so i am a bit dependant on having workout and exercise.... so looking forward to your posting on workout, ok! :)
Anonymous, at 10:15 PM
You right Nadia! The workout should be a part of any diet, especialy when you want to keep that slim body of yours fully toned!
Now as far as watching this diet close.. yes you're right. That's why I am big with cheat day. Eat whatever you want that day. Now if you broke and start eating badly during the week.. and soon you are foregetting your diet, let me suggest this: Is there an important day for you in the near future? Say.. a friend's wedding? or maybe an old boyfriend coming home?Well..set that date and KNOW that you must start diet a month before. For me.. if there is an important photo shoot, I'd try to be very strict at least a couple of months before. Otherwise.. I just relax, and.. somteimes... broke away from the diet. I love to eat anything too!
Hope this helps
TiaraLestari, at 1:41 AM
i agree with u tiara.
i have try it.
and nice.... it work good 4 my body
Sweet Lady, at 2:49 PM
first i want to say, nice to know u tiara. u r my kind of woman. u believe in what u r doing n do it the best way. u dont care about bad things people say about u n apreciate people who apreciate you. after all, that all that matters, right? apreciation. u go girl!
about eat more to loose fat, well that explain what happen to me. im a mother of 3 lovely daughter n my weight is around 38-40 kg. can u imagine? my friends thought im on diet but the truth is i eat 6 to 7 times a day but in small portion. i didnt do it on purpose its just that i can eat much. thanks to u tiara, now i know the eat more to loose fat method.
waiting forward to reading more of u post.
Anonymous, at 11:29 AM
hmmm . . .
slender female tiger . . .
Anonymous, at 7:42 PM
Ugh,aku problemnya..nyemilnya itu loh yg gak kuat...terus kalo olah raga sendiri kurang motivasi..kudu ad barengannya..repotnya barengannya itu yg susah kadang bisa kadang gak...maklum deh di sini mau ketemuan ama temen susah bener deh...terus heranya nih aku tambah ndut sejak nikah, apa krn di bawah sadar mikirnya...oh udah ada yg punya..gak perlu jaga penampilan yah? *garuk2 kepala*
Anonymous, at 4:34 AM
coba cari inspirasi disekitar kamu deh.. salah satunya..ya Mia Amalia. Tapi emang ga gampang sih. Kamu harus commit dari awal. Nah inspirasi nya itu yang penting. Reward diri kamu sendiri kalau sudah ada hasil. Trust me. It's worth it. When that pants or that skirt fit again, you will feel like a million dollar!
TiaraLestari, at 11:40 PM
Assalamu 'alaikum ....
Tiara belajar Agama Islam sejak SD hingga SMA, kan ?
jadi bertobatlah, Dirikan Shalat dan ingat ! Tidak sedikitpun harta yang Tiara dapatkan dari cara dan sumber haram dapat membantu di Yaumulhizab
Anonymous, at 11:40 AM
six times a day itu semuanya pake nasi?
HaN, at 8:47 AM
Gadis Medan di Citra Model Award Medan sangat bermotivasi gadis gadis Medan untuk menjadi model seperti Tiara
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM
Tiara, tanya dunks...
gimana kalau beri contoh meal-nya(yg 6 kali sehari itu) seperti apa (menunya).Misal 1 fist size carb + 1 fist size protein: nasi+daging misalnya, apa bisa?(i.e. apa bener2 ga bikin gemuk juga?) terus,gimana juga dgn konsumsi sayur+buah? Makasih banyak ya sebelumnya
Anonymous, at 4:22 AM
This is so DUHH!!!!!!! Every women's magazine say so!!! get something newer!!
Anonymous, at 10:12 PM
alo mbak Tiara yang baik,
kalo saya tipe orangnya begitu mulai makan malah kepengen nambah lagi. malah kalo makan/ngemil walaupun sebenernya masih kenyang, pas makan tuh rasa kenyangnya kayak hilang, dan akhirnya baru berhenti makan kalo uda banyak yg dinyam-nyam.(kenapa bisa gitu yah?) jadi metode makan 6x sehari ini bisa berhasil buat saya gak yah? terus..sehari makan 6 kepalan daging, jauh lebih banyak dari protein menurut buku panduan nutrisi orang Indo (125 gr protein doank per hari). gak apa2 ? oh ya mbak, dana agak terbatas nih jadi kalo dagingnya kecil aja, tp karbonya sih tetap 6x @1kepal..will this diet still work?
sori yah mbak panjang comment saya soalnya saya bingung. banyak teori diet yg beredar, ga tau yg mana yg bener and mostly they're difficult to follow. dan diet saya gagal terus.mohon petunjuk mbak Tiara yg caem dan sexy. Thank u...
Anonymous, at 8:17 PM
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