Burn fat from lebaran in 20 minutes!

Look, I know you hate cardio. My friends and I always talked about how much we hate going to the gym knowing we would be doing something so boring for an hour. Lets face it, cardio is boring. Period.
I am such a fan of Bill Philips and his method of training and eating. He came up with a solution that actually save time and very effective, at least for me (and a few hundred thousand people). He called it 20 minute solution. In short, you will only need to do cardio for no more than 20 minutes each time (you still have to do it 3 times a week though). What's amazing about this 20 minutes solution, is that you will burn more fat in the process compared to doing one hour or -even worse- an hour and a half regular slow pace cardio.
Without going to much into the logic behind this method (because I am not Bill Phillips), let me just tell you what to do. If you want to know why, ask me, I will give you answers in great detail on "why" this 20 minute solution works. The simple "why" is that the 20 minute solution actually trick your body to use fat as the source of energy, instead of using carbohydrate (which is typically use by your body for energy source). So, it burns your fat more efficiently than if you train some other way, even at longer period (like an hour).
Here's the "how": Imagine the amount of energy it takes you to sit on your desk or at home. The level of energy you use is level 1. Now, imagine you are being chase by a crazy dog your neighbor own. You would run as fast as you can right? That level of energy is level 10. Or maximum. Now, I need you to imagine from level 1 to level 10, there is steady increase in energy use. So easy walking would be a level 5. Fast walking would be a level 6. Fast running would be a level 8. And so on. That's the key for this exercise.
So, go to your gym. (Yes, that does take some effort I know:). After doing some light, but important, strecthing, pick any cardio machine you want. It can be a stationary bike, a stairmaster or -if you like to swim- go to the pool. Now make sure you have some type of stopwatch to monitor the time. Remember, only 20 minutes and you are done!
First two minute, do a level 5. Nice walk in the park. Shock your body on the third minute by going into a level 7 for one minute. Yes ladies, that is running. Minute four and five, back down again to a level 6. Walk again. Go hard again to a level 8 for one more minute after that. Again, your breathing should increase intensely by this time, back off again to a level 6 for another two minutes. Keep this cycle over and over between level 8 (one minute) and level 6 (two minutes). Now at some point, you can replace level 8 with level 9. That is one level lower than you being chased by a crazy dog! Once you twenty minutes is up.. do some light walking to cool down. Then you're done.
How do you know you burn enough fat and not cheat on the intensity. Simple: Right after you're done with your 20 minute solution, look at your stopwatch and count your pulse. How many beats per minute is it? If it is 80% from your maximum heart rate, you did your job of burning fat. What is 80% of maximum heart rate? The formula is: 220 minus (your age) times 80%. Whatever number you come up with must be the number of beats per minute after you're done with this exercise.
Okay ladies.. this stuff works for me. Try it. I am going to the gym now. I hope you will too!
Kalo senam sendiri di rumah (misalnya pake videonya betty tilarso) itu ngefek gak? soalnya biasanya kan males kalo kudu ke gym ;)
Anonymous, at 8:31 PM
Sebenernya sih Bisa Ayu. Tapi kalau mau pasti, hitung pulse kamu setelah selesai senamnya. Sampai 80% maximum heart rate nggak? Kalau iya, oke aja. Nah.. kalau nggak .. kamu masih harus lebih tinggi lagi intensitasnya
TiaraLestari, at 10:46 AM
Hi Tiara!
Jogging is one of cardio training, isn't it? Do you do exercises for your arms, too? I adore the user's pic, which shows your slender upper arms.
Anonymous, at 8:51 PM
Hi Dina,
Jogging at a slow pace.. even at an hour won't burn enough energy, which in trun won't burn fat very effectively. Jogging is a level 6 in the 20 minute solution. I hope that helps!
And yes, I do workout for my arms. I'll be posting about that soon :)
TiaraLestari, at 6:03 PM
LOL... actually, i'm probably one of those people who love caradio-training and nothing else... kalo saya ke gym pasti langsung ke treadmill + stair machine + bike/spinning sampe ngos-ngosan...
missyasmina, at 6:26 AM
ok.. my prob would be... it's really hard for me to gain weight and if i did... i will loose it fast... is there any way to easily put on some kilos?? just to make myself to my ideal weight.
pls dun hate me for asking this.
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM
Hi Vertigo, you are sooo lucky! I don't have that problem, but if I may suggest, eat more everyday. Eat all the bad stuff you like.. ice cream, pizza, anything. Just be sure you do it everyday. This is a guess from me though. The logic is simply if the energy you put in is more than what you spend, you will gain weight.
TiaraLestari, at 6:39 PM
i will take up your advise. i was informed bagels with slabs of peanut butter will gives me fast success in weight gain!! thanks, sweetheart!
Anonymous, at 12:30 PM
dear tiara... i'm sorry if my question is a bit rude and might sound like some perverts in the other room, but since this is a girls-only room.. i'm really curious if your bo*bs are real? if not, then i think the operation was nicely done... but was that hurt? if yes, maybe you can give us tip on how to do some workout to have round-shaped ones just like a silicone bag but not too obvious? (i think my husband will be happy to see me with those... :D)
Anonymous, at 5:01 PM
Dear Maharani,
Coming from a woman, that question is neither crude nor rude sweetie. Unfortunately, I cannot help you much on this deparment as mine are real :) The guy who is responsible for asian-siren website (Dr. Lee) actually double check this fact to my old photographer hahaha.
The one thing I do not understand is how they grow and shrink to diferent sizes in different times. Do you know why?
TiaraLestari, at 12:45 PM
Well.. i am likely stacked.
And it's really obvious when there's any changes in the size. it is usually a weeee bit bigger when menses is approaching. That's normal rite?
Anonymous, at 4:34 PM
i mean... lightly stacked... hehehe...
Anonymous, at 4:34 PM
Tiara seng seksi iki, kiro² gelem mbonceng sepedaku ra yoo :)
Anonymous, at 3:08 AM
lama gak update yak?
Anonymous, at 10:53 AM
wow, your method really works. 20mnt shock theraphy same result with 1,5hrs play tennis. Keringetnya sama, ngos-ngosannya juga sama.
Makasih banget sama tipsnya.
Kalau tips ngecilin perut yg efective gimana?
Anonymous, at 12:44 PM
Hi Tiara.. thx for the workout methods.. will try that soon.. really need to start exercising and lose weight haha..
Please update more k!! look forward to hear from you!!
Tine, at 7:44 PM
hi beautiful tiara
this is my first time writing in.. i accidently bumped into your website and terus terpanggil untuk terus mengikuti blog kamu. Walau kamu famous, you are very honest, humble and tidak kedekut ilmu.
I'm going to try your tips on the cardio.. u have inspired me..
fatamorgana (k lumpur)
Anonymous, at 12:23 AM
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